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Метка: Practical Effects
Mind-Blowing and the Ultimate Oscar-Winning Film of the Year
Of course, we’re talking about Oppenheimer (2023). Christopher Nolan has long been drawn to this triumphant yet tragic story of the atomic bomb’s creation, based on the book American Prometheus. This story is deeply personal for Nolan—he grew up in the 1980s, convinced that he would die in a nuclear explosion. Back then, the world…
The Creator – How an Indie Sci-Fi Film Redefined Visual Storytelling
Before watching The Creator, I strangely had high hopes for it. But honestly, what new can be said in the realm of cyberpunk? My first impression was—nothing. You can assemble an army of references to classic sci-fi films, sprinkle in some well-worn existential crises about AI, and wrap it all in stunning visuals and sound…