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Метка: Cinematic Aesthetics
Mind-Blowing and the Ultimate Oscar-Winning Film of the Year
Of course, we’re talking about Oppenheimer (2023). Christopher Nolan has long been drawn to this triumphant yet tragic story of the atomic bomb’s creation, based on the book American Prometheus. This story is deeply personal for Nolan—he grew up in the 1980s, convinced that he would die in a nuclear explosion. Back then, the world…
The Darjeeling Limited – A Story of Family, Baggage, and Self-Discovery
Wes Anderson’s The Darjeeling Limited (2007) tells the story of three brothers on a journey across India. The eldest, hoping to reunite his estranged siblings, orchestrates a «spiritual trip»—one that conveniently includes a visit to their mother, now living in a monastery. The brothers haven’t spoken for a year, ever since their father—once the glue…